Arbor Report! 

Updated: 3/15/2024



In about one month the window to treat the invasive Hemlock Woolly Adelgid opens!  This treatment is a systemic product (either sprayed on the bark or drenched in the soil).  Common pesticide products that you find in stores (or possibly in use by other companies) will often use the active ingredient Imidacloprid. Products with this ingredient are effective at maintaining Hemlock Woolly Adelgid populations.  However, the use of this product will have no affect on Hemlock Elongate Scale or Mites (and can actually lead to a population explosion of these pests!).

At Kalmia, we use a product with the active ingredient Dinotefuran.  This pesticide will control Hemlock Woolly Adelgid AND Hemlock Elongate Scale.  It does not affect Mites, but it will not cause a population outbreak.

Both Imidacloprid and Dinotefuran are neonicotinoid insecticides.  While commonly used in Agriculture and Ornamental tree/shrub care, these products are highly toxic to pollinators!  Here at Kalmia we take great pride in being Pollinator Friendly.  So why would we use Dinotefuran?  Well, Hemlocks are wind pollinated, not by bees or other insects.  So by using Dinotefuran as a systemic (and not a foliar spray) we greatly reduce the chance of harming beneficial insects.

Kalmia OTSC is dedicated to fighting the invasive Hemlock Woolly Adelgid and protecting the state trees of Pennsylvania (Eastern Hemlocks) on your property! 

Hemlock Woolly Adelgid

John Ghent, John Ghent,

Hemlock Elongate Scale

Eric R. Day, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University,

Late-Winter Pruning 


With spring lingering around the corner, now is the perfect time to prepare your trees and shrubs.  Many species (ex. hydrangeas, roses) are still holding on to a lot of last years growth and need to be "cleaned up" so they will properly grow this upcoming year.  

However, some species of trees and shrubs already have their spring flower buds set (ex. Rhododendrons, Dogwoods, Forsythia) so it is important to not prune too many flower buds off now.

Now is definitely the perfect time to make sure your trees and shrubs are ready to look beautiful come spring!